Tangles in the Floss Don't you hate it when the floss you were working with just fine becomes a tangled mess sometimes. I hate sorting through the tangles. I think of just throwning away the tangles and starting fresh. But with a little perseverance and a little patience, it starts to get untangled. One strand at a time. And then it becomes all straight like it never happened. Life is like that. One day everything is fine and all of a sudden the tangles start forming. At first, the more you sort, the more it seems to get worse. And then you think of leaving the mess and focus elsewhere. But unlike the floss, you can't just throw away your worries or problems and start fresh. You sort through them. One issue at a time. Most of these things don't matter in the long run anyway. It's just a matter of time and sometimes a change in perspective does wonders. If you're wondering what prompted me to write this, it's a bunch of different things and nothing in particular....