Girish and Mehul are going to India next week but Aanya and I are staying home. It was my decision to not go this year as it's so expensive to go consecutive years but just about now I'm kicking myself. We plan to go next year as a family and hopefully stars will align for my little sister's wedding at the same time. Fingers, toes, and everything else crossed! I will miss them so much..I'm already dreading the next 2 weeks. I have filled my Netflix queue with all the chick flicks I want to watch while he's away. He always makes fun of my selection in movies. I will be sure to go in great detail with him on the phone while he's away and he will have to listen. Haha. Sweet revenge.
No pics today. I added a sidebar nails slideshow that I will update periodically. I'm not 100% happy with the way the blog looks currently. It has been so long since I updated the template html. I will need to figure it out again. Also might make up a banner if I feel extra creative.