Castles in the air
Floss Toss on SMF Garden Princess
The picture is not showing all the colors accurately. The orange looks red, eggplant looks black.

Coming up with the colors took longer than last time for Garden Grows. This time the designers have already included some colors -- blues, greens, neutrals. It seemed like anything I was including in the blue family was clashing with the existing colors. I did include a blue, I think it works. I reserve the right to change my mind as I see them in action.
I decided to use a crystal for the center - 8mm top drilled clear heart.
DMC Floss
Designer chosen-
807 - Peacock Blue
3765 - Peacock Blue V Dark
3799 - Peacock Blue Light
610 - Drab Brown Dark
3046 - Yellow Beige Medium
3045 - Yellow Beige Dark
310 - Black
3072 - Beaver Grey V Light
317 - Pewter Grey
My Choice
3345 - Dark Green
3347 - Medium Green
3348 - Pale Green
742 - Floral 1 - Yellow
743 - Floral 2 - Pale Yellow
223 - Floral 3 - Lt. Mauve
3842 - Floral 4 - Prussian Blue
150 - Floral 8 - Magenta
900 - *Floral ? - Orange
154 - *Floral ? - Eggplant
3771 - *Floral ? - Light Peach
* - Floral 5,6,7 are not used in part 1 so I don't know how to place them yet
Metallic - #4 Kreinik braid 025
How does your garden grow?
I haven't worked on it in a while. This is the last picture I have. I will probably alternate both.

Your Garden is looking lovely!