Time to pack!
Sorry for staying absent for all this time. We're leaving for vacation in 3 days (Friday). There is a stop-over in London for 5 nights and then we'll reach Delhi on the 16th night. 17th is Karwachowth so I get to keep a fast the first day I'm there. Bummer.
On the bright side, Mehul turned FOUR!! His birthday was past Saturday. We usually celebrate at the daycare and have a separate party at home with friends. This time because of the vacation, we decided to not do the GTG. One of Mehul's class-mate, A, was born on the same day as Mehul, attends the same daycare since he started, and was born in the SAME HOSPITAL!! They had invited us over for A's birthday, and Mehul and A cut the cake together (it was a princess cake LOL) Too funny. Anyhow, there will be a celebration in Delhi with my and DH's family which sounds much better than anything we'd have done here :) We did cut a cake at the daycare too, and another smaller one at home. Yep, I've been eating too much cake!
We've been through most of the shopping now and I need to start packing. There are some things we still need but I can start now. I'll be sure to post before leaving. I'm not taking the laptop but my parents and in-laws have high-speed connections so I should be able to check my mails. I'll try NOT to do any online shopping. It has been hard watching all these sales (sewing) and not getting anything that would show up at the doorsteps after we leave. I am going to get some cloth and notions from Delhi so we'll see what I can find. Also, I'll be getting curtains made for few rooms from there. I'll post pictures.