Wool, Sheep and Silk cocoons!
Last Saturday, Jenni and I went to MD Wool and sheep Festival. It was my first time there but she has gone several times before. DH volunteered to drive me to her house. We woke bright and early, had chai and were at her house around 7:45AM. I fell in love with her yard and who could not love Henry? He is the cutest. This was my first time seeing him though it seems like I've watched him grow - from his pictures. CUTE!
So we were at the festival before 9AM. The first thing I noticed were people walking back to the parking with plants. There were some plant sellers at the beginning so I bought some (pictures later) and deposited them in the car. Then we were on yarn hunt.
Jenni wanted to start at the main barn - that's where the most vendors were so there we went. On the way to the barn we saw the sheep! There was some sheep activity going on but we were on a mission. I was amazed by all the yarn and couldn't help but touch all the lusciousness. I wasn't sure before going about what I was going to buy and thought of just going with it. I think I did good but a list would have helped! There is so much there that it gets overwhelming. Next time I'm going with a list! I still love all the things I bought, I didn't overspend or underspend.

There's lace yarn (the blue balled up), yarn for hats (brown and the small blue skeins), Mohair (the 3 peach ones in the corner), and rest is sock yarn. I got the mohair and the blue yarn for hats for a steal.
She has a list of all her purchases on her blog too. We were done a lot sooner that expected (I think around 1PM) so we decided to ball up some of my yarn at her ball winding stations (that's what I'm calling it). Once there, I called DH to pick me up and managed to wind a few tangled up yarn in the mean time.

I have to show another yarn that I have been meaning to post but haven't yet. Jenni gifted me this yarn when we met for lunch a week or so ago. This is from ThePaintedTiger and I had loved this one the card that she had given me earlier. So sweet of her. Thank you, Jenni!

About the silk cocoons - they are dyed, and have fiber still on them. She mentioned that I can spin out of it but I think I'll just keep them on the counter. They are a great conversation starter for sure and look so pretty! Ok - I just read about yarn extraction from silk cocoon. Basically you boil and shampoo them to remove the gum. Maybe if I get tired of looking at them, I'll try it. Sounds neat.
Well, now I hope to have some WIP pictures in the coming months. So far, I have just done the gauge with one of the yarns.