Chucky The Hamster DH's boss got her kids a hamster. The hamster gave babies the day after. The boss-lady brought the babies to work. DH got Chucky (formerly known as Gluestick) home :) Working out in his exercise ball Sitting in his food tray and eating Drinking water from the bottle Chucky is pretty down to earth guy. He eats, sleeps and poops. Quality pet time. In crafy news, I finished this scarf some time back - Thistle Stop WIP 1/24/2009 We are surveying schools for Mehul. He is not eligible for public school this year because his birthday is 4 days after the cutoff date so our choices are to do Kindergarten in Private school or KG in current Daycare, or let him do Pre-K again in daycare. We want to do private KG. His daycare has a Kindergarten program too and we might just stay with this daycare. The problem with this daycare is that it is not State Accredited for KG and he will have to give a test to get admission in 1st grade in public school next year. The schools we are ...